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Sunday 9 October 2016

25 special region foods in Hokkaido, How many have you tasted?


    Hokkaido is the northernmost island in Japan, well-known for the product quality and variety of agriculture and seafood, therefore known as the "Kingdom of Food".
The wealthy soil and cold weather of Hokkaido yield the best possible quality of fresh produce, which is well exploited by the chefs here to create world-class cuisines. 

    Dairy products, fruits, and other agricultural products from thousands of hectares of pristine, unpolluted plantation land supplied to the other province of Japan. The percentages are staggering : 50% of most dairy and 90% of most cheese used in Japan originates from Hokkaido!

     Different areas in Hokkaido offer different local specialties: however, there are always a couple of food products that you should not miss during your visit. The list below is the dishes that you will be rarely discovered from the visitor information centre, which is merely available in the certain region. Japan call it "ご当地グルメ"(Go touchi Gurume), the neighborhood gourmet, which is only available in the certain region.

1)  ジンギスカン(北海道全域 ) Jingisukan (Genghis Khan), [everywhere in Hokkaido].

2) 札幌スープカレー  (札幌市) Sapporo Soup Curry [Sapporo].

3) ニセコ羊蹄コロッケ定食 (ニセコエリア) Niseko Youtei korokke teishoku,  [Niseko].

4) ちっぷべつ緑のナポリタン (秩父別町) Green Napolitan, [Chippubetsu].

5) 支笏湖アキヒメ温玉ライス 【千歳市】Shikotsuko Akihime Ontama Rice [Chitose].

6) ガタタン 【芦別市】Gatatan [Ashibetsu].

7) 深川そばめし 【深川市】Fukakawashi Sobameshi [Fukakawa City].

8) 寿都ホッケめし 【寿都町】 Suttsu Hokke Meshi  [Suttsu].

9) いしかりバーガー 【石狩市】 Ishikari burger [Ishikari City].

10) 豚丼 【帯広市】ButaDon [Obihiro].

11) 別海ジャンボホタテバーガー【別海町】Betsukai Jumbo Hotate burger [betsukai].

12) オホーツク網走ザンギ丼 【網走市】Okhotsk Abashiri Zangi Don [Abashiri].

13) 大空豚しゃぶ長いも丼 【大空町】OzoraTon shabu Nagaimo Don [Ozora-cho].

14) エスカロップ 【根室市】escalope [Nemuro].

15) 根室さんまロール寿司【根室市】Nemuro Sanma roll sushi [Nemuro].

16) オホーツク北見塩やきそば 【北見市】Okhotsk Kitami Shio Yaki Soba [Kitami].

17) 十勝清水牛玉ステーキ丼 【清水町】Tokachi Shimizu Gyutama steak Don [Shimizu-cho].

18) 今金男爵ポテサラごはん 【今金町】Imakane Danjyaku Potesara Gohan [imakane].

19) 松前マグロ三色丼 【松前町】Matsumae Maguro sanshoku Don [Matsumae].

20) 新ひだか桜ロコモコ 【新ひだか町】Shin Hidaka Sakura Loco Moco [Shinhidaka-cho].

21) 苫小牧ホッキ炙りめし 【苫小牧市】Tomakomai Hokki Aburi Meshi [Tomakomai].

22) 室蘭やきとり 【室蘭市】Muroran yakitori [Muroran].

23) 富良野オムカレー 【富良野市】Furano Omukare [Furano].

24) ポセイ丼【小樽】Posei Don [Otaru].

25) 旭川ラーメン【旭川】Asahikawa Ramen [Asahikawa].

    Not fun reading the only word? let us see some picture. :)

1)  ジンギスカン(北海道全域 ) Jingisukan (Genghis Khan), [everywhere in Hokkaido].
Matsuo Jinkisukan
    Genghis Khan is a mutton barbecue and is a common food in Hokkaido, which is common enough to be referred as a "resident food" in Hokkaido. There are not much habits of eating mutton in Japan, hence make the mutton barbecue become one of the famous local cuisines. 

    Cherry blossom viewing, camping, yearend dinner, every outdoor and indoor event, the Genghis Khan is a must food to appear in Hokkaido dining table. Fire is not allowed in every park and garden in Japan in order to prevent fire incident, however, during the Hanami event (cherry blossom event), parks and garden open to barbecue, only for the mutton barbecue (Genghis Khan).

2) 札幌スープカレー  (札幌市) Sapporo Soup Curry [Sapporo].
    A soup with distinct spice flavor, the curry soup is originated from the idea of medicinal cooking and is origin from Sapporo. The curry soup condiments usually consist of local Hokkaido farm product such as potato and pumpkin, however, depend on the unique recipe of every shop, the vegetables may differ, they are all delicious and not so spicy.

    The medicinal curry soup was launched in 1971 at "Ajanta"  in the city of Sapporo, soon the soup curry influence around the region and a lot of shops begin to research their own recipe, hence the soup curry boom and become one of the special food in Sapporo, if you drop by Sapporo, make sure you try this healthy medicinal food.

3) ニセコ羊蹄コロッケ定食 (ニセコエリア) Niseko Youtei korokke teishoku,  [Niseko].

Croquette from Jagafuto
    Whether you are a croquette lover or not, this is the meal that you should never miss if you drop by Niseko. The special potato used for this meal is the potato which is only produced and use in this Niseko region, also the vegetables, rice, and soup which serve together with this meal, are as much as possible born in Niseko region and Hokkaido, no doubt Niseko are providing you the taste of Hokkaido.

      The potato in the Niseko Yotei croquette meal is limited to use only the potato grow in Niseko area, that is how it got its name, and they must be a handmade product. The croquette in the meal is not a side dish, but consume as a main dish. Finally, all the meal must below 1000 yen, means it is cheap to get one and it is stuffing.

4) ちっぷべつ緑のナポリタン (秩父別町) Green Napolitan, [Chippubetsu].
    Napolitan is a pasta dish which is popular in Japan, the dish commonly consist of spaghetti, ketchup or a tomato-based sauce, onion, mushrooms, peppers, sausage, and Tabasco sauce.
    雨竜郡秩父別町 Uryu-gun Chippubetsu is a small town inland at somewhat west of the central part of Hokkaido, and it is next to the Fukagawa-shi. The nickname of the Chippubetsu is the broccoli.

    The Green Napolitan is a fresh flat pasta which is colored by finely blended green broccoli, which is mixed into the pasta dough during kneading. The pasta is then blanched in boiling water and sit on theあかずきんちゃん (the red riding hood) tomato sauce, which is produced in the town of Chippubetsu, and the pasta is topped with broccoli. The contrast of green and red bring you the sense of harmony, and during 2013, the dish shone in the third place overall in the "New! local gourmet Grand prix in Tokachi Memuro" .

5) 支笏湖アキヒメ温玉ライス 【千歳市】Shikotsuko Akihime Ontama Rice [Chitose].

    Akihime is a Kokanee, which has been finished their spawning  in Autumn. The parent fishes are then disposed after their spawning until the day when this dish "Akihime Ontama Rice" invented. This local gourmet is born after underwent a series of trial and error of cooking, choosing ingredients and so on. The rice in the dish is mixed with the Akihime flakes, then a soft boil egg is stuff in the center of the mountain shape rice, side with salad, vegetables and sauces.

 6) ガタタン 【芦別市】Gatatan [Ashibetsu].
    Ashibetsu is a city located in Sorachi district Central, it is the place where once had been very prosperous with the coal mine. Located in the place of about an hour drive from Asahikawa.

    Gatatan is a Chinese stew like thingy, the thick soup is cooked with Chinese cabbage, carrot, squid, pork, shrimp, mountain vegetables, danko, eggs, and other, then sit on a bowl of blanched ramen, rice, or noodles. The modern cooking sometimes comes with cheese and is baked under a broiler, like a Doria.

7) 深川そばめし 【深川市】Fukakawashi Sobameshi [Fukakawa City].
    Fukakawashi is thriving with its agriculture in the Sorachi district, it is a city that is next to the Asahikawa. Fukakawashi is the second biggest buckwheat production area in Japan, and also the third in rice production in Hokkaido. The SobaMeshi is then bred by the buckwheat and rice in Fukakawashi.

    The SobaMeshi feature is the meal is being provided in the rice ball style, the whole raw Soba wheat is fried and seasoned with the soba tsuyu (soba dipping sauce), then shape into pretty rice ball. Not only a set meal style, the SobaMeshi also available as a lunch box in the train station.

8) 寿都ホッケめし 【寿都町】 Suttsu Hokke Meshi  [Suttsu].
    Suttsu is a small town facing the Sea of Japan, but the number of Hokke (Atka mackerel)  catches is the first in Japan. Suttsu is well known with the Hokke Meshi, a grilled Atka Mackerel sit on a steaming hot plate of rice, comes with kinshi tamago, pickles ginger, and vegetables. The set meal also comes with a side dish or soup made from seasonal fish and vegetables.

9) いしかりバーガー 【石狩市】 Ishikari burger [Ishikari City].

Ishikari burger
    Ishikari town is well known not only for its port, there are sea, river, hill, and the bounty of nature has been known as a rich place. The buns of the Ishikari burger is 100% using the wheat flour of , "春よ恋"  which produce in the Ishikari region, "春よ恋"  means the love of spring (maybe, I am not sure of the Japanese word). The burger patty is using the ground meat of Hokkaido beef and  Moraiton (the brand pig from Atsuta- ku).

    Another special feature of this Ishikari burger is the octopus which is used as a condiment for the burger, caught from Hamamasu region. Vegetables also as much as possible from the Ishikari region, this burger is invented by the student of the Fuji  women's University which is located the Ishikari City.

10) 豚丼 【帯広市】ButaDon [Obihiro].
    Talking about Obihiro is talking about the pork bowl, the pork bowl is a famous region dish among the Japanese. The pork is grill with sweet and salty sauce which is made by the sugar and soy sauce, then served over a bowl of rice, it is an original menu in Obihiro. The topping of the pork rice bowl usually consist of leek or green peas, depend on the shop, the topping and cooking method may differ from pan frying or charcoal grill.

11) 別海ジャンボホタテバーガー【別海町】Betsukai Jumbo Hotate burger [betsukai].

     Betsukai is the place where breed the largest number of cattle in the dairy kingdom of Hokkaido. The number of cow and cattle are far more than the number of human population in this region. Furthermore, the suburbs of Betsukai is blessed with rich fishery resources, such as Hokkai shrimp and scallops. As a gourmet symbol of such Betsukai, the 500ml milk set meal has become the set meal of "Jumbo Scallop burger".

    The unique of the jumbo scallop burger is the buns and condiments are serve separately, the fun of assembly your own burger become one of the special features. Making your own jumbo scallop burger!

12) オホーツク網走ザンギ丼 【網走市】Okhotsk Abashiri Zangi Don [Abashiri].
    Zangi Chicken is the special fried chicken in Hokkaido, yes! Only in Hokkaido. However, The Abashiri Zangi is using the Soy sauce marinated Salmon instead of chicken, deep fried to perfect crispiness and serve over a rice bowl, accompanied with nagaimo and mountain wasabi. 
    Abashiri Zangi don sometimes also called as Zangiman, which is from the Zangidon character in Abashiri.

13) 大空豚しゃぶ長いも丼 【大空町】OzoraTon shabu Nagaimo Don [Ozora-cho].
Ozora pork shabu nagaimo don.
    Ozora-cho is born in 2004 by the combination of Memanbetsu cho and Higashimoto mura. The Memanbetsu cho is famous with its pig farm, while the Higashimoto Mura is famous with their Nagaimo (Yam), hence the combination of two towns also created a local region gourmet, the Ozoraton Shabu Nagaimo bowl.

14) エスカロップ 【根室市】escalope [Nemuro].
White esca.

    Escalope, which has been established as a regional cuisine of Nemuro is also known as "Esca". The fried pork cutlet is sat on top of the butter fried rice with bamboo shoot, serve with demi-glace sauce. The butter rice is referred as a "White Esca", there is also a "Red Esca" which means the ketchup rice.
    You can find this dish in any western food cafe in Nemuro.

15) 根室さんまロール寿司【根室市】Nemuro Sanma roll sushi [Nemuro].
    Speaking of the specialty of Nemuro is Sanma. Sanma sushi roll is using the butterfly Sanma to roll a sushi instead of a dried seaweed. At here, Nemuro Sansao Konbu (Kelp) is added  to the Sanma sushi, which is harvest before the full-fledged kelp fishing begins, featuring a smoother, softer and extra flavor to the Sanma sushi roll.

   The condiments in the sushi usually consist of Ooba(perilla), spring onion, and white sesame, furthermore the soy sauce for this Sanma sushi is the "Habomai konbu shoyu"

16) オホーツク北見塩やきそば 【北見市】Okhotsk Kitami Shio Yaki Soba [Kitami].
    The first impression of the Yakisoba is the pork and cabbage for the condiments, however, the Okhotsk Kitami Yakisoba is mainly using the Scallop and onion, seasoned without using the sauce but with salt, allowing you to taste the original taste of various ingredients. Furthermore, the noodle is served on a hot plate instead of a plate.

17) 十勝清水牛玉ステーキ丼 【清水町】Tokachi Shimizu Gyutama steak Don [Shimizu-cho].

    Tokachi Shimizu Gyutama steak Don is the combination of diced steak and scrambled eggs. the steak is "Tokachi waka ushi"(Tokachi young cow)  which is the second-largest local meat cattle breed in Hokkaido, and the tokachi area is also the third largest egg production in Hokkaido.

    The Tokachishimizu Gyutama steak Don is different with Gyudon, which is served with soft boiled egg and pickled ginger.

18) 今金男爵ポテサラごはん 【今金町】Imakane Danjyaku Potesara Gohan [imakane].
    Open up the 3 level bento boxes, you will find every bento box is tightly filled with ImaKane specialty dishes. By the way, the rice is gently pressed into a Hokkaido shape and the pickled plum is sitting on the location of Imakane.

     Imakane Danjyaku potato is a rare and valuable potato produced in Imakane and it is still famous until today. Enjoy various type of potato salad made by this precious potato in the three level bento box, this single menu allows you to taste everything in this very farm town.

19) 松前マグロ三色丼 【松前町】Matsumae Maguro sanshoku Don [Matsumae].

    Matsumae is blessed with good fishing grounds of Tsugaru strait, which is flourishing with Tuna fisheries, Thus Matsumae cho is able to enjoy the fresh Bluefin Tuna all year round. The special region menu, "Tuna Tri-color Don" is then developed to emphasize the wonder of Tuna catch at Tsugaru strait, in Matsumae Cho.

    Tuna Tartare, Fried Tuna, Tuna flakes, Tuna tempura, Marinated Tuna rice bowl, Tuna Salad, and so on, you can enjoy every type of Tuna dish in this single place, provided by various shop and restaurant.

20) 新ひだか桜ロコモコ 【新ひだか町】Shin Hidaka Sakura Loco Moco [Shinhidaka-cho].

    Shin Hidaka Cho is the combination of old Shizunai and Mitsuishi town at the year of 2016. "Sakura Loco Moco" is the local gourmet of the town, the name of the dish is from the well known Sakura tree in town, which is nicely arranged on the street.

21) 苫小牧ホッキ炙りめし 【苫小牧市】Tomakomai Hokki Aburi Meshi [Tomakomai].

    Tomakomai Shi catches the most surf clam in Japan, hence Tomakomai gain the Surf clam as its region food. You can taste fresh surf clam with the different cooking method, such as sashimi, grilling, searing and so on. The must try surf clam dish is the set meal of Surf clam, it comes with surf clam rice, surf clam side dish, and surf clam soup, no doubt this is the full course of Surf clam.

22) 室蘭やきとり 【室蘭市】Muroran yakitori [Muroran].

    Common Yakitori is a grill chicken skewer, but here in Muroran, Yakitori is a grill pork skewer with onion, eat with the Hiroshi mustard. The pork shoulder loin is used for the Muroran Yakitori, featuring a mild taste.

23) 富良野オムカレー 【富良野市】Furano Omukare [Furano].

    Furano is a popular travel destination, the region gourmet appears to be a curry omelet rice. The rice and eggs are particular from Furano local farm, as well as the milk in the fluffy and smooth omelet.

24) ポセイ丼【小樽】Posei Don [Otaru]
    Posei Don is the winner in the event of "Kore Tabetai Daisho"( I want to eat this award.), which is organized by the Hokkaido news. In honor of the god of the sea - Poseidon, the PoseiDon rice bowl is consist of various luxury seafood such as Tuna, Salmon roe, sea urchin and other branded fresh seafood are used abundantly. Although you can find any other seafood rice bowl in Japan but I guess you may not find another rich bowl like this.

25) 旭川ラーメン【旭川】Asahikawa Ramen [Asahikawa].
    Soy sauce ramen in Asahikawa, Miso ramen in Sapporo, Savory ramen in Hakodate, these ramen are having the same popularity, but Asahikawa ramen has been counted as one of the Hokkaido special region food. The size of Asahikawa ramen noodle appears to be medium fine, it is said that this type of noodles could absorb more flavor of the miso.
    According to the rumor, the Asahikawa ramen seems appeared before the world war. The ramen boom after the war and spread to every part of the Japan until today.

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    Are you enjoy reading this? I hope you do. There are a lot more region menu out there, but I can't finish all of them, as a backpacker traveler, my pocket money is limited and hardly could find everything. 
    They are more special food like Unidon, Kaisendon, Harapporo shrimp and octopus gyoza, Hakodate Ika somen, Mukawa Shishamo Sushi, grill corn... and so much more, I wish I could go and write again.

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